Saturday, January 19, 2013

Today I am Thankful for Soft

 Today it crossed my mind how many things of life are soft; both physical and otherwise soft; and how very thankful I am that God created soft; and how different life would be without the comfort of it, the joy of it.
 A soft breeze, gentle on the skin
Softly falling rain
Softly falling snow
A soft pillow to lay the head upon to sleep; to dream
Soft blankets
Soft clothing
A soft thing to caress, to stroke, to entangle one’s fingers in
Soft kitty, puppy fur
Softly curling hair
A soft word spoken in comfort, or to stir the heart to passion
Soft kiss
Soft touch
A soft note of music moving the heart to smile, to tears
Soft sounds
Soft heart
As I write this list of soft, my heart which was troubled early on today, is gentler now.
Thank You for soft.

And for my readers; may your day be filled with soft gentle things that comfort you and bring you joy.

~ Connie

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Thank You 1095 - Take The Thank You Challenge!
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