Saturday, April 14, 2012

Today, I amThankful for CUTE!

There is power in cuteness. We smile, we giggle, we feel all warm and snuggly.

 Cute may be defined by each individual uniquely, but it affects us universally – cute makes us happy.

And in any language, the verbal reaction to cute is much the same:  “awwww!”   “oh!”  “ooooh!”

Life on this planet could have originated without the cute factor. I am so thankful our Creator thought to build it into His artistic repertoire.

Each time I encounter cute, my heart is softened, my mind expands, my life is enriched.
Thank You Lord for cute!

For my readers, here is some cute for your day:
(What can possibly be cuter than babies, human or otherwise?)

Lola - Newest Addition to the Ward-Sullivan Family

May your day be filled with cuteness and other things that make you smile.
Talk to you soon,

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